125 University Boulevard Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406 | (540) 548-1278
The Commonwealth Governor’s School program serves students in grades 9 – 12 from Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford County. CGS students apply to be in the program through their school district. Beginning in January of each year student applications are accepted by the participating school districts and a rigorous identification process ensues. CGS students are selected for the program based on achievement test scores, teacher recommendations, a timed writing assessment, service activities, a portfolio, and an interview. Students in the CGS program are considered to be academically gifted and highly motivated.
CGS students are truly amazing adolescents. Instead of taking the path of least resistance, CGS students have decided to challenge themselves by being part of a very rigorous academic program. In addition, the average CGS student is highly involved in after school activities including SCA, band, VHSL sports, and numerous school organizations. The majority of CGS students are involved in at least one community service project during the year.
Students are selected to attend CGS in a competitive process that evaluates grades, academic ability and achievement, teacher recommendations, an interview ,and a portfolio presentation of self-selected interests. Applications are reviewed by independent selection committees from each participating division.
“CGS has given me the unique opportunity to learn through field experiences that are both enjoyable and enlightening. These opportunities help me retain and reinforce the information we have already covered in class, which in turn helps me succeed. These field experiences also create special memories that I will be able to look back on in the future.”
Applications for Caroline County are due January 10, 2025.
For more information, contact Nikki Kiger, Gifted Specialist, Caroline County Public Schools at hkiger@ccps.us.
If you missed the presentation at Caroline Middle School, you may find more information here.
The CGS Application for King George County is due December 20, 2024.
For more information, contact Christine Hill, Supervisor of Secondary Instruction and Related Services at
khill@kgcs.k12.va.us or 540-775-5833.
If you missed the presentation at King George Middle School, you may find more information here.
Applications for Spotsylvania County are due on January 10, 2025.
For more information, contact Katie Simitoski, Spotsylvania County Supervisor of Instructional Programs at ksimitoski@spotsylvania.k12.va.us or 540-834-2500.
If you missed the open houses or middle school presentations, you may find more information and the application linked below.
Applications for Stafford County are due on January 24, 2025 .
For more information, contact Star Kiesau
Coordinator of Gifted Programs, Stafford County Public Schools at kiesaums@staffordschoolsnet or 540-658-6000.
If you missed the Discovery Nights or middle school visits, you may find more information on the Stafford County Public Schools website.
125 University Boulevard Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406 | (540) 548-1278